
The architecture of Jizt’s backend has been conceived in a way that ensures flexibility, scalability and high availability. For that, we have implemented a microservice, event-driven architecture, so that each of the stages in the summarization process is contained in a microservice. This way, we can scale each microservice separately. This is useful, for example, in the case of the microservice that implements the summarization stage, since this is the most time-consuming stage. By scaling this microservice in particular, we are able to process more summaries in parallel.

Below, we include an overview of the backend architecture:

Backend architecture.

Fig. 6 Overview of the backend architecture.

As can be seen in the previous image, we use Kubernetes to orchestrate the different microservices. In turn, Apache Kafka makes possible the communication between these microservices. Specifically, we use Strimzi, which allows us to easily deploy Kafka on Kubernetes. This (still small) architecture lets us add more language models or other NLP tasks easily, by adding new microservices and their corresponding Kafka topics. Since these models usually take a great deal of storage space, they are stored in Persistent Volumes, which are then accessed by the pods. Having this models included in the microservice’s Docker image would be both inefficient and inappropriate.

Apart from the summary-related microservices, the architecture also contains a Dispatcher in charge of three tasks:

  1. It implements a REST API so clients can request summaries. This REST API is implemented in Python with Flask and the extension Flask-RESTful. If you want to know about its specification, you can refer to

  2. It forwards the request to the appropriate microservice. For now, all the requests that Ingress forwards to the Dispatcher are as well redirected to the Pre-processor. However, in the future, requests to different models/NLP tasks will have to be forwarded to different microservices.

  3. It stores the summaries in the database. The motivation behind this database is explained in the next section. We implement a PostgreSQL database, deployed making use of the Crunchy PostgreSQL Operator.

Regarding the database, its table schema is the following:

Database table schema.

Fig. 7 Summaries database table schema.

The summary_id is produced by the Dispatcher, which hashes (SHA-256, 64 bits) the source text, the summary parameters, and the model used to generate the summary.

Currently, the backend is hosted on Google Kubernetes Engine. The source code of Jizt backend is accessible through